RIAS JAIPUR , “An initiative to keep the handmade techniques alive.” A young clothing brand based in Jaipur in 2017, founded by Arshia & Avishek, graduated from NIFT as a Textile & Accessory Designer.Rias Jaipur is more than just a label for us. Focusing on two ancient crafts of India, Dabu/bagru & hand block printing onto handwoven fabrics, it is a cocktail of ancient printing & weaving techniques of Rajasthan & West Bengal. An attempt to keep these crafts alive, Rias Jaipur is a bridge between the artisanal skill & modern designs. Our aim is to innovate and create striking outfits, using a combination of old techniques and our modern design skills. “A small initiative to “A small initiative #SAVEINDIANTEXTILE"

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